
Entity Definition

Logical Name : FreightBill
Physical Name : DO_BL_FRGT

A carrier-originated document that lists the number of containers (e.g. pallets, cartons, etc.) that were delivered to the store. The freight bill does not reference the inner contents of a shipment. AKA Bill of Lading

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
FreightBillID (PK) The carrier-assigned shipping document number ID_BL_FRGT Identity integer
VendorID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Vendor. ID_VN_FRGT Identity integer Vendor(PA_VN)
CarrierWeightRestrictionCode A code to denote the maximum weight of each carton that can be handled by the carrier. LU_RST_CRR_WT Code2 char(2)
StoreCartonCount The number of cartons as established by the store. QU_CTN_STR Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
ShippedCartonCount The number of cartons listed on the FREIGHT BILL. QU_CTN_FRGT_BL_SHP Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
StoreReceiptTime The time and date when the freight is received at the store. TM_RCV AuditDateTime datetime
Status The status of the receiving event: scheduled, initiated, completed, processed, reviewed, modified. SC_BL_FRGT Code2Status char(2)
SpecialHandlingCode A code that specifies special handling instructions. LU_HN_SPL Code2 char(2)
SpecialHandlingMessage Free form additional description of special handling conditions if special handling code inadequate. TX_DSCR_HN DescriptionNarrative varchar(4000)
SerialFormID An identifier for this document, usually preprinted on the form stock prior to being filled out. ID_SRZ_FRM IdentityAlphaNumeric varchar(20)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Vendor creates FreightBill
FreightBill may be referenced by ReturnDocument
FreightBill includes ShipmentContainer
FreightBill may be referenced by ReceivingDocument
FreightBill may be referenced by TransferOutDocument
FreightBill may be referenced by TransferInDocument

Logical Views containing FreightBill

Logical View
Logical 02100 - Item Inventory - Macro View
Logical 02130 - Item Inventory - Receiving View